Modern Slavery and Ethical Employment Statement


Clena Ltd is not required by law to publish this statement, but has chosen to do so voluntarily because it recognises that all businesses have an obligation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. Clena Ltd will do all in its power to prevent slavery and human trafficking within its business and within the supply chains through which it operates.

Organisational Structure

Clena Ltd is a supplier of cleaning and janitorial materials and hygiene and disposable PPE goods operating in the B2B sector.

We are an independent company operating within the UK from our warehouse and head office premises in Stafford, together with our third-party storage logistics support partners.

Our supply chains are mainly UK based manufacturers and wholesalers, with a limited number of products being imported directly from other countries.

Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Clena Ltd operates to ensure fairness in the recruitment, retention, and development of all employees and works to comply with all applicable employment legislation. The company seeks to provide a work environment where all employees are treated with respect, dignity, and consideration.  We pay all our employees a living wage that is significantly in excess of the Minimum Wage.

Clena Ltd monitors its supply chains and its suppliers so ensure, so far as is possible, that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within those supply chains, including child labour and bonded labour of any sort.

Due Diligence Process

As part of our commitment to identify and eradicate slavery and human trafficking from within our business and from those businesses with which we interact, we-

  • Recruit following one to one recruitment processes, offering wages to all categories of staff that are in excess of the National Minimum.
  • Work closely with our supply chains to ensure compliance with legislative obligations and we expect those organisations to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes.
  • Seek to build long standing relationships with suppliers and to make clear our expectations of ethical business behaviour from them.




To ensure appropriate levels or risk awareness in respect of modern slavery and human trafficking, we provide appropriate training to relevant members of staff, in particular to Managers responsible for purchasing and for personnel.

Assessing and Managing Risk

We believe that because we do not have a requirement for seasonal staff, and rely on direct, one to one recruitment processes, our exposure within our human resources to human trafficking and slavery is very low.  Most of our manufacturing and supply partners are based within the UK and Europe, and have robust policies and compliance with Human Rights regulations, and again we consider risk in this area to be very low. We also have a limited number of Far Eastern trading partners, with whom mostly we have long standing relationships. As stated earlier, we monitor these supply chains to ensure, as far as is possible, that there are no Modern Slavery issues.  If any such issues are identified, we will cease to use such suppliers unless and until the issues are rectified.

Signed: Nigel Stacey

Position: Managing Director

For and on behalf of Clena Ltd